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Mo-Su 9-21

Once your order is confirmed, the exchange office will guarantee the exchange rate for exactly one hour. You will then be prompted to confirm the new exchange rate, or it will be processed automatically if you have set the Automatically confirm current exchange rate for delayed payments option in Settings.

Due to the switch to a new bank account provider that does not yet support the immediate payments feature, it is very likely that your payment will arrive after the one hour limit. If you want to be sure that your purchase will be made at the rate in effect at the time of your order, please include a “Payment Confirmation” from your bank with your order. Detailed instructions can be found in the How to secure your hourly course guarantee section.

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The customer service line can be reached Monday to Sunday between 9:00 and 21:00. Or send us an email. Our colleagues will always be happy to advise you and guide you safely through your purchase.

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